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MPIPZ Graduate School and IMPRS
Agreement on Training and Supervision
for all students belonging to our IMPRS and MPIPZ Graduate School
Instructions on TACs and TAC Meetings
for all students belonging to our IMPRS and MPIPZ Graduate School
Meeting Minutes
to document your TAC Meetings
Online Training Approval
to apply for subsidy of online courses
University of Cologne (UoC)
We always try to keep these documents up to date. However, you should always visit the homepage of the doctoral office of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (MNF) and inform yourself about the latest doctoral procedures, forms and guidelines.
Current UoC Forms and Guidelines
Please always use the latest version available here and find translated/commented versions below
English translation of the Doctoral Regulations of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (MNF) of the UoC
The key document for doctoral students admitted to the MNF. Only the German version is legally binding
PhD Student Registration at the UoC
Our key document to take you through the admission and enrolment process
Guide to your Docfile registration
Our key document to take you through the Docfile registration process
Guide to Thesis Submission and Defence
Our key document to take you through the thesis submission and defence process
Map of the UoC
Find all/most relevant places here
Graduate School for Biological Sciences (GSfBS) Registration Form
Submit this to the GSfBS coordinator to become associated with our umbrella graduate school at the UoC
Translated & Commented Versions of UoC Documents
Planck Academy
Introduction Learning Management System (LMS)
How to set up your LMS account and register for Planck Academy events
Good Scientific Practice
Guidelines for Safeguarding Good Academic Practice from the University of Cologne