Mentoring Programs for Female PhD Students
Female PhD students of our program automatically have access to mentoring programs at the University of Cologne or organized by the Max Planck Society. These support early-career female researchers in identifying personal skills and competences and help them to implement these in career planning. They offer:
- a personal connection with a suitable mentor
- workshops and trainings
- networking events
Details such as
- duration of the program
- the number of meetings between mentor and mentee
- the focus on an academic versus a non-academic career
may differ and be discussed individually. Mentees receive a certificate after successful participation. These programs exist:
Mentoring within the Max Planck Society
The Minerva FemmeNet is open to female researchers from PhD students up to junior professors. The mentors typically have gained professional experience while balancing family life and their careers. They work in different fields and aim to prepare female scientists for leading positions in and outside academia. The Minerva FemmeNet collaborates with partner universities in Germany and German-speaking countries.
Mentoring within the University of Cologne
You can find an overview of all mentoring programs of the UoC here. We have selected the following programs, which we find especially suitable for our female PhD students.
The Cornelia Harte Mentoring (CHM) is an annual program for German-speaking early career researchers. It offers training, networking opportunities and one-on-one mentoring. The program requires a small participation fee and distinguishes between two types: (1)
Cornelia Harte Mentoring 2001 for ECRs interested in non-academic careers (2)
Cornelia Harte Mentoring Pro for advanced PhD students and postdocs interested in academic careers.
The Mentoring Program for International Female Scholars (IFS) is an annual program in English that supports PhD students and postdocs from abroad. Mentees are matched with experienced mentors from various career fields. The program supports mentees in making individual career choices, either in or outside academia. The program consists of a framework program including networking events, workshops and, if needed, individual coaching sessions.
The MINT Mentoring program is an annual program that supports German-speaking female PhD students and postdocs in making career decisions. The program is shaped to guide mentees to either pursue an academic career or a career in the industry and business sector.
The Gender Mentoring Agency is suitable for all German-speaking female PhD students and postdocs who are aiming for a career in academia. Mentees start annually with a structured program, including workshops and networking activities, and mentoring tandems can be maintained beyond this first year.
There are many opportunities for receiving support during your doctoral studies, but selecting the one that suits you best may be difficult. If you require further assistance in your selection, the PhD Office is more than welcome to help you.