TAC Meetings
The thesis advisory committee (TAC) consists of at least three members: the direct thesis supervisor and two or more co-advisors. One co-supervisor has to be chosen from another department or institution to guarantee a degree of independence. One co-supervisor can be a postdoc to offer another perspective on the PhD project. We support our PhD students in assembling a TAC within the first three months of their PhD project. The TAC meets the PhD student at least four times in three years and the meetings are open to everyone involved in the PhD project and the PhD coordinator.
Meeting after five months | The PhD student writes a short report on the project and discusses first achievements as well as the project's outline with the attendees.
Meeting after one year | The PhD student writes a more extensive report in which he/she details the progress but also problems of the project. The content is discussed in the meeting and the attendees decide whether a major change in direction is needed.
Meeting after two years | The PhD student writes a more extensive report in which he/she details the progress but also problems of the project. Alternatively, the PhD student drafts a manuscript meant for data publication. The meeting focuses on data finalization and publishing.
Final TAC meeting | The PhD student provides a detailed structure of his/her thesis, a list of planned figures with legends, and a plan for final experiments. The meeting assists in planning the thesis submission.