Research Highlights

Octoploid genome decoded

Octoploid genome decoded

January 17, 2025
MPIPZ research groups collaborate to produce a fully phased, chromosome-scale genome assembly of Cardamine chenopodiifolia [more]
Switching leaf shapes

Switching leaf shapes

June 24, 2024
Researchers discover a genetic switch in plants that can turn simple spoon-shaped leaves into complex leaves with leaflets [more]
How a common weed builds up explosive force<br /> 
Hairy bittercress has explosive fruit that fire seeds in all directions. MPI researchers discover how these seed pods power their own explosion. [more]
Timing leaf growth<br /> 

Timing leaf growth

February 07, 2024
Leaf heteroblasty is the fascinating natural phenomenon by which plants produce different leaves as they grow and mature. This requires a complex interplay between cellular growth and time, and allows a single plant to manifest a diverse range of leaf shapes and sizes over its lifespan. In a recent paper in the journal Current Biology, scientists from the Max Planck Institute for Plant Breeding Research in Cologne have now shed light on how this intricate process occurs during leaf development of the small mustard plant Arabidopsis thaliana. By studying the development of juvenile and adult leaves, they identified key differences in their cellular growth patterns, which they found were controlled by a SPL9-CYCD3 transcriptional module. These findings provide us with a deeper understanding of how the passing of time is encoded into organ growth and morphogenesis, and demonstrate the intricate tempo of plant growth and development. [more]
A stiff polymer called lignin (stained red) is deposited in a precise pattern in the cell walls of exploding seed pods. Researchers identified three laccase enzymes required to form this lignin. No lignin forms in the cell wall when all three genes are knocked out by CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing
Researchers identify the genes controlling the mechanical structure of exploding seed pods [more]
Roots stiffen up to stop growth
The plant hormone cytokinin inhibits root cell growth [more]
Die Vielfalt der Blätter

Die Vielfalt der Blätter

January 11, 2021
Pflanzengenetiker ergründen die Entstehung der unterschiedlichen Blattformen auf der Erde [more]
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