MPIPZ Show Garden receives ‘Diversity Garden’ award
Award ceremony at the Seed Festival in Cologne, Germany

The Max Planck Institute for Plant Breeding Research, with its show garden and the green areas within the institute walls, was awarded a prize in the competition „Kölner Vielfaltsgärten – unsere Natur sagt Danke“ - Cologne Diversity Gardens - Our Nature Says Thank You.
A jury of representatives from the Cologne Environmental office, nature conservation associations and environmental education institutions presented the certificate to our Green Group at the Cologne Seed Festival on February 11, 2023.
Applications for this competition came from all over the Cologne city area, including allotments and home gardens, as well as gardens from schools and companies.
The jury was impressed by the diverse nature-oriented structures on the grounds of the MPIPZ and praised the exemplary responsibility to support biodiversity for society.
We are very pleased receiving this award and hope to continue to bring this diversity closer to our employees and visitors in the future.