Inspiration and sense of unity

Prof. Patrick Cramer, President elect of the Max Planck Society visits the MPIPZ.

March 10, 2023

Prof. Patrick Cramer, President elect of the Max Planck Society visits the MPIPZ.

During his inaugural visit Patrick Cramer gave an inspiring speech to all MPIPZ staff members.

Sharing our fascination of plants, Cramer highlighted how the Institute’s research is embedded into that of the Max Planck Society.

The Society’s vision, Cramer continued, is not confined to bringing knowledge to the world but is to bring the good to the world of everyone – a common goal that unites the 24,000 Max Planck employees.

The Society, according to Patrick Cramer, is held together by a small set of core values.

Firstly is excellence, and Cramer stretches that this should not be understood as scientific excellence but as excellence in many other ways too – leadership, advocacy of equal rights, outreach… just to mention a few.

Secondly the understanding of the Harnack principle as a strategy to find the best researchers. Or, in fact, the best persons since Cramer’s view is that all this is about personality and character, not ‘just’ being the best scientist. These people will attract other brilliant people and thereby shape a unique working environment.

Thirdly is the sense of unity; being open to help, listen, learn and synergise with others in order to grow within the Max Planck Family. In, and outside of, research.

In addition, Cramer adds ‘curiosity’ as the last ingredient for a perfect recipe to success.

The new-elected president’s open-mindedness and his encouragement to question, comment and criticize sparked a lively discussion after the speech.

A successful inaugural visit by Prof. Patrick Cramer, Dr. Simone Schwanitz, Secretary General, and Liaison Officers Dr. Christiane Barz and Dr. Verona Vandieken.  

An opportunity for all MPIPZ staff to meet up with the new-elected president, framed by a speech full inspiration, time for discussion and individual meetings with our researchers.  

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