Welcome Days for new PhD students
Once again, our PhD Office, led by Stephan Wagner, organised two fantastic Welcome Days for the 2022 Class of PhD students.
The new students had the chance to get to know each other and to learn more about services and resources provided by the Max Planck Institute for Plant Breeding Research (MPIPZ) and the University of Cologne.
Various service groups gave presentations, ranging from computational infrastructure to ombudship, and addressed burning questions from the student audience.
A highlight for our international newcomers from 16 different nationalities, was the Cologne city tour, organized as a fun rally throughout MPIPZ and die University of Cologne. The tour was wrapped by a social get-together at the MPIPZ Chinese TATA Bar, organised by the Insitute's Chinese community.
„We would like to thank all new PhD students for attending the Welcome Days and hope that these helped you to settle in Cologne. Welcome again, we are incredibly happy to have you all with us! We would also like to thank all Welcome Day speakers for sharing the excellent insights into their service offers.“
Stephan Wagner