Girls’Day at MPIPZ

The MPIPZ opened its doors on 28 April and welcomed 15 young girls, grades 5 to 7, to get a real insight into the world of plant science as part of this year's Girls’Day.
Supported by 6 PhD-students and armed with lab coats and protective goggles, our visitors performed some exciting hands-on experiments in our laboratories. DNA was cut and made visible, leaves were infiltrated and bacteria and fungi were isolated from soil.
In the greenhouse, everybody had fun matching different seeds to their correct plant and potting a sunflower themselves. There was great amazement in the microscope facility, when the collected plant pollen was made visible in the scanning electron microscope.
A tour explained the complex technology that underlies a research institute.
In addition, different training paths in plant science were highlighted and questions answered on what it takes to work in the respective profession - from scientist to gardener.
Equipped with certificates and sunflowers, the pupils went home in the afternoon happy and enriched with a lot of knowledge.
An exciting day with lively discussions about plant research.