Sanger Sequencing Service

The internal Sanger sequencing service of the MPIPZ has been shut down on 6th of November 2017.

External Sanger seq. services have been implemented at the institute according to the MPG purchase rules and are offered by three com­panies (GATC; Eurofins Genomics and LGC Genomics). The bar-coding systems from the companies have been expanded to an easy-to-use system, where ordering and payment of the service will be organized on specific bar-code batches of 100, which will be available from the MPIPZ-Lager (only). No extra ordering (Beschaffungsauftrag) is necessary. This user-friendly procedure is restricted to the most commonly used sequence request, like "LIGHTRUN tube" (GATC),"Mix2Seq Kit"(Eurofins) and "Ready2run" (LGC). Other, more sophisti­cated and expen­sive services, if necessary, have to be ordered specifically using the "Beschaffungsauftrag" for each order. A detailed description of the Sanger sequencing order procedure in German, you will find here.

The SeqOrderDB has been disabled for ordering new Sanger sequencing; the old data are still available and can be downloaded. PLEASE DOWNLOAD ALL DATA YOU HAVE NOT IN BACKUP YET! In the beginning of 2018, we will switch off the whole SeqOrderDB, but let you know about the time point well in advance. Additionally, we will offer a solution in case you have huge amounts of data to be downloaded. Nevertheless, it is best practice, to take care of the backup yourself. 

In case you are looking for the OligoOrderDB link, you can find it here. 

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