Obituary for Ian Moore

September 04, 2018

We learnt with great sadness that Dr. Ian Moore from the Plant Sciences Department at the University of Oxford died this week.

Ian was a leading figure in international research on the plant endomembrane system and was also known for the development of targeted and inducible gene expression systems. He worked tirelessly to improve these systems and shared them broadly with the community. Ian was also a former MPIPZ colleague who worked on mitochondrial transformation in the Department of Jeff Schell as a visiting Ph. D student from Chris Leaver’s lab in Edinburgh, and then as a post-doc with Klaus Palme on targeted gene expression. Ian was distinguished by his deep and honest engagement with scientific problems, his rigor as an experimentalist, the unpretentious and genuine way with which he interacted with colleagues at all levels, and his dry sense of humour. A true gentleman in science who will be greatly missed.   

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